Sunstone Real Estate Group

Rent-to-Own: Real Estate Edition

When first starting out living on your own, many people rely on hand-me-downs from their parents, second-hand stores, or used furniture purchased on OfferUp to furnish their places. After all, good new furniture can cost a pretty penny. Other people turn to those rent-to-own shops. Did you know that this might be a viable alternative to buying a home as well? It’s true. But it comes with some pros and cons.

Rent-to-Own: Real Estate Edition

How Rent-to-Own (aka “Lease Purchase) Works

In this situation, you sign a lease with the owner of the house agreeing to pay a certain amount per month for a specified period of time. Part of your lease payment gets set aside to use toward your down payment at the end of the lease period when you agree to purchase the property. However, a few things need to be clarified before entering this agreement.

What to Discuss Before Signing on the Dotted Line

First, will this be a lease-option or lease-purchase? A lease-option means you get first dibs on buying the property at the end of the lease. If you decide to opt out of buying it, the owner can then put it on the market. On the other hand, a lease-purchase means that you enter into the lease with the understanding that you plan on buying it at the end of the lease term. Second, what part of your monthly payment is actually rent and how much goes toward your future down payment? Next, where will those additional funds be deposited? They need to be kept in an account completely separate from the monthly lease payment. Then, who pays for maintenance during the leased timeframe? That includes regular upkeep (lawncare) as well as larger issues (plumbing or electrical repairs, etc).

Who Should Consider This Option?

The rent-to-own/lease purchase option is not for everyone. Only consider this option (if available) if you fall into any of the following categories:

If none of those scenarios fit your circumstances, this may not be the option for you. But if any of these sounds like the situation you face right now, make sure you do your due diligence before you sign any paperwork. Watch out for scams. Have a home inspection and appraisal done before entering any agreement as well. After all, you may become the homeowner. You need to know what you’re getting into.

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